Thursday, November 22, 2007

Pirate Themed Amusement Park

Now you can relive your childhood fun at the Amusement Park without having to leave the comfort of your own house by visiting the Gateway Night Club - Mall - Amusement Park - it trully beats waiting the hours of driving and hours of waiting in line just to enjoy minutes of physical thrills.

At the park, you can ride the waterlog roller coaster, you can ride the rocking pirate boat, you can joy the race track, you can do many many many things.

Some rides are free, others have a nominal charge of a few $L, but hey, this is a lot cheaper than a ticket to a real amusement park, and you don't have to wait in line, so it is all worth it.

When you get tired from your virtual exertion, be sure to drop by the refreshment stand to give your virtual body a much needed rest.

But why have all the fun by yourself alone? Bring your virtual date to the park for a great time! Double the people, double the fun.

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